The Queen of Elphame; The Fairy Queens In Myth and Lore

Stories abound about the great and beautiful Queen of Elphame (Elfame) or Queen of Fairyland. In many ways she is as elusive as the Good Folk themselves, changing and adapting, watchful and hopeful. Over time she has been the muse for many artists, poets, authors and songwriters, the inspiration for many across time, myself included. Throughout my life, the Faeries have been ever present for me, a constant creative font that I am humbled and grateful to draw from. I was honored to be a part of a collaborative book of essays on The Faerie Queens by Sorita d’Este and David Rankine sharing the diversity and lore surrounding the many faces of this powerful being in which I chose the Celtic Faery Queen Aine. There are many ancient goddesses that take up the title of Faerie Queen, some due to their associations with the Tuatha de Danann, the Shining Ones. This folklore is what I dedicate my life to, it is what inspires my art, my paintings, my classes; all that I do. The Queen of Elphame is many things to many people, what is she to you, what gifts does she bring to your life? I will share with all of you a prayer/chant that I wrote a few years ago that can aide you with Faery communication and to call upon the Great Queen for her presence in your life. As always, feel free to change it to better suit your own path. In my experience with Faery, they always know your heart, so speak from it truthfully and you wont go wrong…

Hail be to the beloved Ever Living and Shining Ones of the Sidhe Mounds; The Ancient Tuatha de Danann

Hail be to the Spirits of the Wildwoods

Hail be to our wise Ancestors and Guides from beyond the Thin-Veil,

To the Guardians of the Elemental Kingdoms,

To the Guardians of the Mineral, Stone and Plant Kingdoms,

The Oceans, Rivers, Streams and wells

Hail be to the blessed Animal and Bird Kingdoms

Blessings and Love Upon you All!


May you feel my love as I stand before you now; a child of the Earth Mother & Father Sky

I seek your wisdom and your council

I ask safe passage through the Ancient Cairn Portal to Faery

There and back again

I welcome an initiation into your mysteries

A glimpse of your sacred magick that is the essence of consciousness

Through the dolmen I spiral down into the damp Earth

Through the chamber womb of Queen Maeve at Oweynagat-entrance to the Otherworld


Lead me, guide me, protect me as I progress into your Realm

Show me the fruits of my labors completed, and ready me for the lessons still to come

I look to your council for advice and encouragement as I transition through my life

Light the flame within me of self-awareness and understanding and burn asunder that which no longer serves my highest good,

I welcome and honor your presence in my life.


(The image above is my latest art creation appropriately entitled “The Queen of Faery”) 

Many Faery Blessings to you all,


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