Sidhe Animal Spirit – The Raven

The Raven has been my main Animal Spirit for over 2o years, he is always there during my healing work, my magickal workings, and always when I need him the most. I am honored to have the presence of Raven in my life and encourage everyone to cast aside the unnecessary fear people hold for this magnificent bird. Just remember, we often fear what we need most in our lives and the lessons they can bring. This is what makes us stronger-doing the shadow work, overcoming fear of the unknown and making peace with the past. This is the Medicine of Raven.

Raven brings powerful healing qualities by a process known as the resolutions of opposites. This meaning in darkness there is light; and in light there is darkness- death is necessary for rebirth- destruction is necessary for renewal. There must be death in order to make room for birth. By using this process of resolution of opposites we learn to resolve conflicts that have long lain buried in our unconscious or our past. There must be darkness if we are to emerge into the light. By his association with death he is also associated with depth.

The Raven is a bird of the Underworld; he has the ability to see into the past, the future, and beyond the veil of death. He has the great ability to travel from this world to the next; accessing the darkest regions bringing back visions and oracle instructions for the seeker and the healer. The Raven’s jet-black color naturally associates it with night, the Great Void, and the Earth. It is a bird that has been granted great power. When you observe with the eye of the Raven, you realize the importance of letting others express their views. Raven teaches the importance of being still and observing quietly until we can see both sides of the light.

To honor the darkness of this bird’s wing, we turn to our own hidden interior, the parts of our own past marked with shadows of unhealed wounds and unexpressed emotions. The Raven is the symbol of our own Soul. All healing begins with the spiritual, which converts to emotional, mental and many times even physical levels. We are all a work in progress; remember to balance your life with fun and play.

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