Sidhe Animal Spirit, The Hare

The Spirit of Hare beckons you down a mysterious path. Sacred to the Moon, the Hare embodies intuition, transformation, adaptability and secret knowledge. She travels swiftly between spirit realms, shapeshifting as the need arises. The Hare’s grace allows one to move safely in strange or unfamiliar environments to include the spiritual realms for which she can be a powerful guide while you gain insight and wisdom from each one. The Spirit of Hare can indicate a leap of faith or a lucky coincidence. Intuition and feelings are usually accurate and ideas formed under Hare energy may seem crazy to those who may lack your same scope of vision. A sign of fertility and abundance, the Hare relates to the Spring Equinox. In Britain and Germany, it’s associated with Ostara, the Saxon goddess of spring and the dawn. In Ireland, Hares are connected to the Sidhe (Faerie Folk) and it is considered very bad luck to harm one for any reason. While the Hare can be a sign of prosperity and good fortune, this Spirit can also warn of delusion or deception. Beware of habits or fears that prevent you unable to move forward in your life. For many of the reasons stated above, the hare has long been thought of as a mediator of the sacred. As the Hare is closely associated with the moon, particularly the full moon, a connection found in mythology all over the world.  Not only does the Hare have lunar connections, it also manifests as a creature of fire, not just any fire, the resurrection fire of the phoenix, to rise again out of it’ own ashes. In this sense, the Hare is not just a symbol of cyclical life but also a symbol of our own destruction and recreation that is at the very heart of each of us. As nature is the giver and destroyer of life, we are often forced to face our inner demons, bringing light to the darkness within, only at that moment, can we be reborn. Life requires the balance of existence, dark and light, order and chaos, one cannot exist without the other. For all these reasons, rejoice when the magic of the Hare shows up in your life as she offers us a time of reflection into our own lives and the rebirth that so often needs to occur.

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