Midsummer Magic

Generations ago, the peoples of our land celebrated the flow of the Earth’s energy by dividing the year into eight divisions. These were eight festivals giving the opportunity to come together as a community and sing, dance, reflect and honor the Earth Mother. The Earth’s flow of energy is a never-ending cycle of seasons, birth, life, death and rebirth giving us a wheel which is always turning.  The wheel of the year is more than just the changing of the seasons, beneath this seasonal change is a deeper shift in the subtle energies of the Earth itself. Whether we are aware of it or not, we are all affected by these energies so by understanding and working with them we can learn to become in tune with the Earth and work in harmony with it on all levels of our being. The eight-fold division of the year is marked by four Quarter points and four cross-quarters. The Quarter points consist of the Solstices, the two exact points in the year when the days are longest and shortest, and the Equinoxes, when the day and night is of equal length. “Solstice”means “the standing of the sun” (Latin). and it is time to pause and take a look back at what we have done and where we have been. It is also a time to take stock of who we are and what we wish to achieve. It is a chance to celebrate being alive and express our hopes and our dreams. From this point, the Earth will move in a different cycle and the days will either be lengthening or shortening. The Midsummer Solstice is a time of deep Faery Magick, this is a perfect time for communication and connection with the Hidden Folk. The best times for Faery Magick on this day are the between times of Dusk, Dawn and Midnight.


Ways to Celebrate Midsummer

  • At sunset, light a bonfire, if possible, (A 7 day candle will work too as a representation of the bonfire) tending to it until sunrise. Blessings of gratitude can be said for all people, ancestors, animals and Spirits present upon lighting it.
  • Prepare a feast, making sure you have enough for offerings to the Good Folk.
  • Decorate the altar in Yellow, Green, and shades of the sunset. Light a yellow candle in the center and surround with fresh greens and ripe summer fruits. The incense should be floral or flowers of the Fae and summer such as Lavender, Rose Petals, Sunflowers and other Faerie attracting herbs and flora.


Midsummer Offering Blend

Combine 1 to 2 tablespoons of the following:

  • Bee Pollen
  • Elder Berries
  • Hawthorn Leaf & Flower
  • Orchid Petals
  • Lilacs
  • Shave Grass
  • Lavender

Leave as an offering to the Faeries at Twilight on Midsummer’s Eve when the veil between our realms is open and thinnest.

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