Please enjoy this list of some of my favorite books on the Faery Path, the Herbal Arts, Celtic History, Myth and Folklore and a few Shamanic and Celtic Spirituality books as well. The list of my recommendations is long so I will be adding more as time goes on.

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**Please note that as much as I feel these books are important reads for your studies, the most important teachings come directly from Faery. All authors that write about our experiences, our ways of connecting to Them, make up a part of that collective energy that is Faery. It is a culmination of us pathworking with Them and then us putting that knowledge out there for others! Yet my way may not be your way, and vice versa, that is the beauty of Faery, it is different for each of us. This is why in all my teachings I share, I offer guidance not gospel, you need to seek and then find your own truth. My purpose is to ensure that Faery is honored and remembered for generations to come, to help you remember. This “remembrance” is unique to each of you and nothing you read in a book, to include my own writings, is a replacement for you finding your own path to Them, that is a sacred journey you must walk with your Faery Guides and Allies. I am here to bridge the gap by means of Faery working through me for you, the seeker of this knowledge. There are NO shortcuts when working with the Hidden Folk but every moment you put into your relationship with them is the most precious part of the journey. In saying all that-there is no one-single path to Faery and there is no right or wrong way, as long as you follow your heart-they will meet you half-way.

The Celtic Twilight: Faerie and Folklore (Celtic, Irish)

The Faerie Queens (anthology of essays): A Collection of Essays Exploring the Myths, Magic and Mythology of the Faerie Queens

The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies

A Treasury of Irish Myth Legend and Folklore Cuchulain of Muirthemne

Leechcraft: Early English Charms, Plant-Lore and Healing

Medieval Herbal Remedies: The Old English Herbarium and Anglo-Saxon Medicine

Medieval Herbals: The Illustrative Traditions (British Library Studies in Medieval Culture)

The Healing Power of Celtic Plants: Their History, Their Use, and the Scientific Evidence That They Work

Tales of the Elders of Ireland (Oxford World’s Classics)

The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries

Loughcrew: The cairns : a guide to an ancient Irish landscape

The Little Book of the Great Enchantment

Scottish Fairy Belief: A History

The Cunning Man’s Handbook: The Practice of English Folk Magic, 1550-1900

Cunning-Folk and Familiar Spirits: Shamanistic Visionary Traditions in Early Modern British Witchcraft and Magic

Popular Magic: Cunning-folk in English History

The Vanishing People

Newgrange: Archaeology, Art and Legend (New Aspects of Antiquity)

Newgrange: Monument to Immortality

Newgrange and the New Science: Exploring the Subtle Energies of Ireland’s Ancient Neolithic Monument

Celtic Myth and Religion: A Study of Traditional Belief, with Newly Translated Prayers, Poems and Songs

The Well of Light: From Faery Healing to Earth Healing

Earth Light: The Ancient Path to Transformation Rediscovering the Wisdom of Celtic & Faery Lore (Celtic Myth & Legend)

Fairy legends and traditions of the south of Ireland. By: Thomas Crofton Croker / second edition /

Scottish Charms And Amulets (1894)

Pharmako/Poeia, Revised and Updated: Plant Powers, Poisons, and Herbcraft

Pharmako Gnosis: Plant Teachers and the Poison Path

Pharmako/Dynamis, Revised and Updated: Stimulating Plants, Potions, and Herbcraft

The Sidhe: Wisdom from the Celtic Otherworld

Yearning for the Wind: Celtic Reflections on Nature and the Soul

The Mist-Filled Path: Celtic Wisdom for Exiles, Wanderers, and Seekers

The Spiral of Memory and Belonging: A Celtic Path of Soul and Kinship

Nature-Speak: Signs, Omens and Messages in Nature

Animal-Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small

Awakening to the Spirit World: The Shamanic Path of Direct Revelation

Speaking with Nature: Awakening to the Deep Wisdom of the Earth