The Path to Faery…

When I teach my in-person classes on Faery, I am most often asked this one question:

“How do I see the Faeries?” or “Can you please help me to see the Faeries?”

This is a difficult subject in the fact that one will only see Faery if They allow it. I know this is not always what one wants to hear but I am being truthful. Faery is elusive and secretive, they only present themselves to those they want to, and usually that reason is for them to know, and not us. That should not discourage you however because one thing is certain, they see us, they know your heart and your intentions. However, if those intentions do not align with theirs, you will be waiting a very long time I am afraid. Sure there are powerful salves and oils one can create and use to better help with the “Faery Sight” and there are “tools” from the natural world such as the Faery Holed Stone (or Hag Stone) that can be wonderful aides to this quest. However, there is another side to this…

Herein lies the question – do you need to see them to believe? You have other things you believe in that you have no tangible proof of existence, for instance-all the various deities that make up our entire Earth’s belief system, is that not faith? believing in something means often times that we believe with our hearts and not just simply what our eyes can see. Our eyes often betray us, lead us astray – our hearts are another matter entirely. We “feel” with our heart, we trust it. Trust as well that there are many things in this universe that we may never see or know, however, that does not mean they do not exist, some beings are just part of other people’s reality and they may or may not end up being part of yours. Do not go about basing your beliefs on others, you are here to find your own way, to live YOUR happiest life, not to make someone else happy by sacrificing your own.

So back to the initial question: How does one see the Faeries? You see Them when you truly believe. When you believe in your heart that they are part of your life; when you leave that offering of milk and honey just because, not because you want something in return; when you commune with Them with love and respect and most of all – when you simply see the magnificence of Nature and see Them in every ocean, branch, stone, petal and animal, as they are all around us. All we need to do is look and follow our own Path to Faery.

Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts. – Albert Einstein

Much Love and Faery Blessings,


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