Welcome to my Online Grimoire! I hope that you will enjoy the spells, charms and recipes that are within it’s pages! I only ask that you please honor my request that it is for your own personal use only, it is a gift from me to you. Please do not copy and paste it as your own onto another site without giving credit to me and Hedgefaery Herbals, nor is to be sold in any way.
Wise Wisdom Disclaimer
In working with our beautiful Plant Kingdom there are some precautions to take and I encourage you to read about each plant, root or herb you choose to work with before doing so. It is your responsibility to educate yourself on which plants are safe and which ones are not. I am a Certified Herbalist and have worked with the Faeries and the Plant Kingdom for the last nineteen years. Please always ensure your safety as well as the safety of others when creating any herbal blend and use caution when working with any herb if you are nursing or are pregnant as some can be toxic and even deadly.
Definition of Wortcunning: Herbal Smarts (wort or wyrt = herb + cunning = intelligence or skill)
(In Old English, a garden is a wyrtgeard , mugwort (artemisia vulgaris) is mucgwyrt, meadowsweet is medowyrt, and any healing herb – which means most of them – is læcewyrt , a leech wort)
Properties of Herbs & Their Wild Magick
*Note: this is not an exhaustive list and there are many additional properties our Plant Spirits possess. Allow them to teach you, they are your greatest allies in magick!
Adam and Eve Roots – attract love, happiness
Adder’s Tongue – healing
African Violet – protection, promote spirituality
Agaric – (TOXIC) encourage fertility
Agrimony – protection, banish negative energy/entities, reverse spells, break hexes
Alfalfa – abundance, prosperity, money
Alkanet – repel negativity, attract prosperity
Allspice – money, luck, healing
Aloe – protection, luck, money
Angelica – protection from evil and negative energy
Barley – healing, protection, love
Basil – exorcism, love, protection, prosperity, wealth
Bay – psychic powers, protection, healing, purification, strength
Belladonna – (TOXIC) visions, astral protection
Benzoin – purification, prosperity
Borage – provide courage
Birch – purification, protection, exorcism
Bistort – fertility, psychic powers
Bittersweet – (TOXIC) protection, healing
Black Cohosh – courage, love, protection, potency
Black Hellebore – (TOXIC) invisibility, exorcism, astral projection
Black Snakeroot – love, lust, money
Blackberry – healing, protection, prosperity, money
Bladderwrack – psychic powers, protection, money
Bleeding Heart – love
Bracken Fern – seeds gathered at Midsummer are golden and said to make the wearer invisible, sacred to Faery
Briar Rose – protects from bites of dogs or snakes
Caraway – protection, lust, healing, mental powers, repel negativity
Cardamon – lust, love
Carnation – protection, strength, healing
Castor – (TOXIC) protection, repel negativity
Catnip – love, beauty, happiness, power, courage
Cedar – healing, purification, money, protection
Celandine – joy, protection, happiness, escape, legal matters
Chamomile – purification, tranquility, money, sleep, love, luck, meditation
Chestnut – love
Chickweed – love, fidelity
Clover – (4 leaf) luck and clairvoyant powers, helps one to see the Faeries when blended into a salve and anointed on the Third Eye
Daisy – Innocence and love
Deerstongue – lust, psychic powers
Devil’s Bit – love, protection, luck, exorcism
Devil’s Shoestring – protection, luck, gambling, power, employment
Dill – protection, money, love, lust
Dittany of Crete – manifestations, astral projection
Dock – money, healing, fertility
Dodder – love divination, knot magic
Dogbane – love
Dogwood – protection, wishes
Dragon’s Blood – power, protection, exorcism, potency, love
Echinacea – strengthening spells, health
Elder – protection, exorcism, healing, prosperity, sleep
Elecampane – love, protection, psychic powers
Elm – protection, love
Eucalyptus – healing, protection
Eyebright – joy, psychic powers, mental clarity
Fennel – wards off evil spirits, strength and courage
Feverfew – protection
Fig – divination, fertility, love
Figwort – protection, health
Flax – luck, money, protection, purification, beauty, psychic powers, healing, health
Fleabane – exorcism, protection
Foxglove – (TOXIC) protection, Faery magick
Fragrant Bedstraw – love
Frankincense – exorcism, purification, protection, spirituality
Fumitory – money, exorcism
Galangal – protection, legal matters, lust, health, money, psychic powers, break hexes
Gardenia – love, peace, healing, spirituality
Garlic – protection, healing, health, exorcism, lust
Gentian – power, love, break hexes
Geranium – health, love, protection, fertility
Ginger – love, money, success, power
Ginseng – longevity, sexual potency, protection, healing, love, lust, wishes, beauty
Goat’s Rue – healing, health
Goldenrod – prosperity, money, divination
Goldenseal – money, healing
Harebell – (TOXIC) the flower of Witches, used in various witches flying ointments, helps one to see Faeries, Goblins and Earth Spirits, transformation / shapeshifting into a hare
Hawthorn – happiness, fertility
Hazel – luck, fertility, protection, wishes, most popular wood for making sorcerers wands and dowsing rods
Heather – luck, protection
Heliotrope – (TOXIC) exorcism, prophetic dreams, healing, wealth
Hemlock – (TOXIC) astral projection, diminish libido, power, purification
Hemp – healing, love, visions, meditation
Henbane – (TOXIC) love
Hibiscus – love, lust, divination
Hickory – legal matters
High John the Conqueror – (TOXIC) strength, confidence, health, love, money, success, happiness, break hexes
Holy Thistle – purification, break hexes
Holly – protection, luck, dream magic
Honeysuckle – protection, money, psychic powers
Hops – healing, sleep
Horehound – exorcism, healing, purification, protection, mental clarity, balance
Horse Chestnut – (TOXIC) healing, money
Horseradish – exorcism, purification
Horsetail – fertility
Huckleberry – protection, luck, dream magic, break hexes
Hyacinth – love, protection, happiness
Hydrangea – break hexes
Hyssop – healing, protection, purification, cleansing
Irish Moss – luck, money, protection
Ivy – protection, healing
Jasmine – divination, love, money, prophetic dreams
Job’s Tears – luck, wishes, healing
Juniper – protection, love, exorcism, health
Lady’s Mantle – love, aids in spiritual quest
Lady’s Slipper – protection
Larch – protection
Larkspur – protection, health
Lavender – protection, call in good spirits, love, sleep, longevity, purification, happiness, peace, healing
Lemon – purification, love, friendship, longevity
Lemon Balm – love, success, healing
Lemon Verbena – protection, purification, love, power
Lemongrass – psychic powers, mental clarity, lust
Licorice – love, lust, fidelity
Life-Everlasting – health, healing, longevity
Lilac – luck, love
Lily – protection, exorcism, repel negativity, truth, break love spells
Lily of the Valley – (TOXIC) mental clarity, happiness, counters spells, attracts Faeries
Linden – healing, protection, luck, love, sleep
Magnolia – fidelity
Maidenhair – beauty, love
Mallow – love, protection, exorcism
Mandrake – (TOXIC) potency, exorcism, protection, fertility, money, love, health
Maple – money, longevity, love
Marigold – prophetic dreams, protection, legal matters, psychic powers
Marjoram – protection, love, happiness, health, money
Masterwort – protection, strength, courage
May Apple – (TOXIC) money
Mayflowers – the seat of old wild magick, brings both adventure and chaos into ones life
Meadow Rue – love, divination
Meadowsweet – love, divination, peace, happiness
Mistletoe – Druid magick, fertility, immortality
Moss – luck, money
Mugwort – astral projection, strength, psychic powers, protection, prophetic dreams, healing
Mulberry – protection, strength
Mullein – exorcism, health, protection from sorcery, courage, love divination, calling spirits
Mustard – fertility, protection, mental clarity
Myrrh – spirituality, purification, protection, healing, exorcism
Myrtle – peace, money, love, youth, fertility
Nettle – protections against demons and evil spirits
Oak – protection, health, money, healing, potency, fertility, luck, long life
Oats – money
Oleander – (TOXIC) love
Olive – healing, peace, fertility, potency, protection, lust
Onion – exorcism, healing, protection, purification, money, prophetic dreams, lust
Orange – love, divination, luck, money
Orange Bergamot – prosperity, success
Orchid – love, psychic powers
Orris – divination, protection, love, prosperity, money
Pansy – love, divination
Parsley – purification, protection, lust
Passion Flower – peace, sleep, friendships prosperity, increase libido
Patchouly – money, fertility, lust, break hexes
Pennyroyal – exorcism, consecration, strength, protection, peace
Peony – exorcism, protection, purification, fends off demons
Pepper – exorcism, protection
Peppermint – purification, sleep, love, healing, psychic powers
Periwinkle – (TOXIC) protection, money, love, lust, mental clarity
Pine – protection, exorcism, money, healing, fertility
Poppy – a charm against those bewitched into false love
Primrose – a charm to see the Faeries when worn or made into a salve
Ragweed – courage
Ragwort – protection
Raspberry – healing, visions, protection, love
Rattlesnake Root – protection, money
Rice – protection, money, fertility
Roots – protection, divination, power
Rose – beauty, protection, purification, love, psychic powers, healing, divination, peace
Rose Hips – healing, luck, call in good spirits
Rosemary – exorcism, protection, purification, healing, love, lust, mental clarity, sleep, youth
Rowan – protection, success, psychic powers, healing, power
Rue – exorcism, protection against the Evil Eye, purification, break hexes, health, mental clarity, healing
Sage – purification, protection, wisdom, longevity, wishes
Sagebrush – exorcism, protection, purification
St. John’s Wort – exorcism, protection, courage, strength, divination, considered one of THE most potent herbs for driving away evil and evil spells
Sandalwood – protection, exorcism, purification, wishes, healing, spirituality
Sarsaparilla – love, money
Sassafras – money, health, healing
Skullcap – peace, love, fidelity
Sesame – money, success in business, lust
Sloe – exorcism, protection, banish negative energy/entities
Snakeroot – money, luck, break hexes
Snapdragon – protection, break hexes
Solomon’s Seal – love, exorcism, protection
Sow Thistle – repels witches, invisibility from enemies
Spearmint – healing, love, mental clarity
Spiderwort – love
Spikenard – health, fidelity
Sunflower – wisdom, health, wishes, fertility, happiness
Sweetgrass – calling in good spirits
Sweetpea – strength, courage, friendship
Thistle – exorcism, protection, healing, strength, break hexes
Thyme – purification, courage, healing, health, psychic powers, sleep
Toadflax – protection, break hexes
Tobacco – (TOXIC) healing, purification, offerings
Tonka – (TOXIC) courage, love, money, wishes
Trillium – love, luck, money
Tulip – protection, prosperity, love
Valerian – protection, purification, love, sleep
Vanilla – love, lust, mental clarity
Venus Flytrap – protection, love
Vervain – sleep, protection, purification, love, money, peace, healing
Vetivert – love, luck, money, break hexes
Violet – protection, healing, love, lust, luck, wishes, peace White Willow Bark – healing, blessings, binding
Walnut – robs an evil person of all mobility, a tree of Jupiter and brings blessings of the gods
Willow – protection, healing, love, divination
Wintergreen – protection, healing, break hexes
Witch Grass – exorcism, happiness, love, lust
Witch Hazel – protection
Wolf’s Bane – (TOXIC) protection
Wood Betony – love, purification, protection
Wood Rose – luck
Wood Sorrel – healing, health
Woodruff – protection, money, victory
Wormwood – (TOXIC) exorcism, protection, love, psychic powers, calling spirits, protection while traveling
Yarrow – healing, divination, exorcism, protection, courage, love, psychic powers
Yew – (TOXIC) raising the dead, protection against evil. Do NOT cut the tree, gather only from what is left on the ground
COPYRIGHT: 2011 – 2018. All Rights Reserved, Joanna Rowan and Hedgefaery Herbals