Kind Words from My Beautiful Students & Clients.
I am so grateful to all my dear students that have joined my classes and to those that have come to me to hold space for them on their healing journey. My heart is full!
The content of this class was so well written, scholarly and informative yet written like a tale from a good friend in front of the fireplace sipping tea! I am so happy to have found this school. I will be enrolling in the Path of the Faery Doctor next!
Aradia-United Kingdom
Path of the Faery seeker Student

Words just cannot convey how deeply this class has touched my life. I am about half way through my 13 courses and I have learned more in each lesson then I have for a years’ worth of training from other websites. The lessons are informative, charming and full of knowledge and first-hand experience. Thank you from my heart and thank you for rekindling my relationship with Faery!
Path of the Faery seeker Student

An amazing class that is filled with wisdom beyond anything that is currently out there. I finished my class about 2 months ago and I am already seeing clients for my Faery Doctoring Practice. Never did I expect that would happen so soon. Thankfully the classes really prepared me for this work and although I was nervous at first, all the lessons came back to me and each session has been better and better. I loved that class and often find myself reading over the lessons only to find additional wisdoms that I missed the first time. Joanna is a delightful writer and her love of Faery shines brighter than the sun. Keep going!!
Path of the Fairy Doctor Student

I have taken online classes over the internet now for a few years as I am unable to travel to take classes all over. One it is too costly and two, I am disabled. There is nothing out there like these lessons. They are full of information that is so wondrous, I could hardly put the lessons down. As these are all go at your own pace, I found it very difficult to take my time, I wanted to get through the lessons and learn all there was! Don’t let any of the prices sway your decision to sign up, they are well worth the money! Thank you Joanna and The Sidhe Grove for creating a class worthy of Faery, I know they have blessed you in all your workings. Please continue to create more classes for all of us to enjoy!
Diana-United Kingdom
Path of the Faery Seeker Student

I had a Faery Healing Session with Joanna a few weeks ago and I cannot believe the shift I have felt in my well being. Never did I think this healing would be so powerful. I cannot thank you enough for all you are bringing to this world and the light that you shine is truly amazing. Thank you!
Faery Healing Session

I just completed my class and just had to say thank you so much for creating this and bringing this to the world. I cannot wait to put all this knowledge into my own practice. So grateful for you and all you do!
Path of the Fairy Doctor Student

I just wanted to write to you and tell you what a profound healing I had with you. It has taken me a few days to put it into words but the connection you have to The Fae is so inspiring and beautiful to me. I have had many healing sessions throughout my life but this has been so uplifting. I feel lighter, more joyful, happy. I cant believe how powerful it was over that distance. I am so grateful I found you. I will return.
Faery Healing Session

Joanna you have a profound connection to Faery that I am in awe of. I cannot express how much I enjoyed this class, it was actually a bit life changing for me. Keep creating more classes because I love the style you present them in, you have a such a way of helping others understand. Much love to you.
Path of the Faery Seeker Student