Betwixt & Between; A Faery’s Herbal

There is a world just beyond our own, betwixt and between this world and that, the realm of the seen and unseen, shining in its magnificent splendor of light, this my friends, is the Realm of Faery…

The Faeries want us to remember, remember them, and remember our purpose, our place amongst all that is. They are part of us as we are part of them. Listen, not with your ears, but with your heart, their song plays softly throughout every fiber of our being. For the past seventeen years I have been working with, and learning from, the beloved Faerie Realm and our beautiful Plant Kingdom. Part workbook, part recipe book, part art book, but ALL Faery. A beautiful dance of trust and mutual respect shared between our world and theirs, a connection that we all have within us, we simply need to remember.

I am so honored to share with you my book: Betwixt & Between; A Faery’s Herbal. The soft back book is 127 pages with 14 of them being my own Faery Art paintings throughout. It is a culmination of my own herbal recipes, charms and rites with ways in which one can connect and work with the Faery Realm and connect to our beautiful Earth Mother. Copyright 2011.

The Faerie Queens

I am so honored to be a part of this amazing book with so many other respected authors I admire from the heart. I adore the writings of both Sorita and David! May the light of the Faerie Queens Reign on forevermore through the past and long into the future…

A collection of essays exploring the myths, magic and mythology of the Faerie Queens. Powerful, mysterious, otherworldly, the Faerie Queens have spread their magic across Europe for many centuries, enchanting all who encounter them. From forests and lakes, mounds and mountains, the Faerie Queens emerge from the liminal places to bestow their numerous gifts (and curses) on man. Lover, shapeshifter, sorceress, prophetess, bestower of sovereignty, semi-divine ancestress, protectress of animals, collector of souls – the powers and roles of the Faerie Queens are as diverse as the folklore about them, their origins rooted deep in the legends, goddesses and beings of the ancient world.