Welcome to
Hedgefaery Herbals & The Sidhe Grove Mystery School

Honoring the Medicine of the Nature Spirits & the Wildwoods…
Welcome Dear Friend to Hedgefaery Herbals; home of The Sidhe Grove Mystery School, a place of knowledge for seekers treading the Faery Path and their own healing journey.
May this space be a return home for the Spirits that feel as if they live with one foot in this world and the other within the Realm of Faery; a return to the arms of the Earth to a sacred dwelling deep within the mounds of The Shining Ones. Enjoy your visit and may you find that which you seek…
Faery Blessings Upon You; Joanna

Let’s Make Some Magic
My inspiration is drawn from the Nature Spirits that have surrounded my life since I was a little girl. Enchantment lies within the forests that speak their ancient magic, the mountains, the deserts, the sea and the stars – the rich colors of dusk and twilight, earth and sky.
For the past 23 years I have been working with, and learning from, the beloved Faeries and our beautiful Plant Kingdom. This journey has taught me much and it is a path I will follow for the remainder of my life. Ever since I was a child, I have lived my life betwixt and between, one foot in this world and the other with the Sidhe, a walker between the hedge filled with a deep reverence for all of Nature.
The more we can bridge the gap with Nature, the closer that connection, and our bond, becomes. I started this site to share my knowledge of working with Faery so that others too may remember and keep the magic of Faery alive. I believe with all my heart that we are now awakening to playing our part in restoring the balance between us. May the blessings of Nature be always upon you and your journey.
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